Energy: Fryslân self-sufficient

Energy: Fryslân self-sufficient

Fryslân has a very rich position as far as energy is concerned. There is a large amount of underground geothermal energy, heat can be generated from water (aquathermal energy), hydrogen and sun and wind can contribute to self-generation. In short: Fryslân will become self-sufficient with energy. Without affecting the landscape.

How much is needed?

According to researchers at the TU Twente (2017), Fryslân will have a consumption of approximately 58.0 PJ (PetaJoule) in 2050. At the moment the consumption is 62 PJ. These include industry, the built environment (houses/buildings), transport and mobility, and agriculture, forestry and fishing. Part of the current energy consumption can be reduced through insulation, technological innovation and new future houses/buildings with (almost) no energy consumption. That is the projection of the proposed policy.

What options are there?

A very large part of the energy in the future can be generated with the already built wind farm near the Afsluitdijk (382 MW). As a result, many of the existing mills on land (above 20/30 meters) can disappear. Geothermal energy can be used in larger cities with more than 10,000 inhabitants and in places (think of the greenhouses in the northwest of Fryslân) where there is a high demand for heat. According to calculations, no less than 2,000 ha of solar panels can be installed on roofs. These are PV systems (for electricity) but also PV/T (electricity and heat). Solar parks can also be built near highways and other places where the landscape and fertile farmland will not be affected (such as former landfills or industrial estates). Finally wood released on a modest scale from pruning and tree maintenance in Fryslân itself can be used for clean, high-efficiency wood-burning stoves (soapstone or Finnish stoves). This is 3.0 PJ. It is certainly not the intention to import biomass from other countries.

New technology and free energy

Over time, new technologies and new opportunities arise. Think of aquathermal energy, which, according to calculations, can cover 60% of energy consumption in Fryslân. There is also the development with 'Blue energy' from Wetsus, which makes use of the difference in ions between salt and fresh water. Harlingen and the Afsluitdijk can potentially have installations for more than 450,000 households. Of course, free energy is also considered. The technology is there, but it is hidden from the people. Frij Fryslân will give room for free energy!

Energy in community hands

A point of attention is that the Frisian community take control over energy. With a view to the acceptance of installations (wind turbines and solar parks), it is very important that there is community participation. The basic principle is that more than half (> 50%) is in the hands of the Frisian community and that the network itself remains in the hands of the inhabitants of Fryslân. Moreover, in the future more and more residents, companies, villages and districts will be able to 'disconnect' from the network. They will then provide themselves with energy through local generation and storage. They will then be completely independent when it comes to heat or electricity and at the same time can save a lot on their costs.